Black Ninja
Crisco Kid
Gavin Coens
John Jupiter
Lost Soul
Randy Williams
Vic Williams

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HWF Staff

Welcome to the HWF's Hall of Hardcore

The ultimate pinnacle here in the HWF is what you see before you. A Hall of Fame, or sorts, kicked up to HWF standards. This is the reincarnated Hall of Hardcore. All the legends of the past are here, along with some legends of the present. In the three year history of the HWF, these men to the left have defined what it's like to be hardcore. And, we here on staff, believe it's once again time for them to get what's coming to them; praise. By being in this Hall of Hardcore, it in no way means that these men are retired. In an industry filled with on again-off again jobs, these athletes could be back in the HWF in a heart beat--some already are. Updates will be posted on this main page when there are new inductees on the way.

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